深圳工厂 展会设计

LED CHINA深圳国际数字标牌展及深圳国际LED主场展览展示设计-展厅会议布置

来源: 湖南麦思展览展示有限公司  日期:2019-11-25 16:08:24  点击:1004  属于:国内展会
LED CHINA展会实际上都是一场集中的新品发布会,本次深圳国际LED展聚集各大LED广告标识、灯箱产品以及周边产品一齐亮相,在这里,可以了解到最前沿科技技术研究成果,以及将来技术的一个走势。
SIGN CHINA 展会现场W1-W5号馆、E1-E2馆将迎来了EPSON、RICOH、MUTOH、FLORA、JHF、HANTOP、SKYJET、海利得、纳尔、墨库、传美讯、璐彩特、汤臣、邦美、东华、丽雨、萤火虫、大族粤铭、森峰、泰谱圣、联建、强力巨彩、利亚德蓝硕、希达、灵星雨、铁歌、日上、蓝景、美耐斯、零奔洋等逾千多家海内外知名展商,将展示户内外喷印设备及耗材、雕刻切割设备、标识标牌、亚克力板材、灯箱、展示器材、商业零售设计与应用、LED屏显、数字标牌、系统集成等行业最新技术和优质产品。


Sign China 2020

91 days left
19th China International Sign & Advertising Expo
Date: 2020
Venue: Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center, Shenzhen, China
Concurrent ExpoLED China 2020 - 17th Led China - The World's Largest LED Event
Established in 2003 in Guangzhou, SIGN CHINA pioneered the combination of indoor and outdoor format printers, engravers, exhibition and display equipment, as well as LED displays, components and lighting into a single comprehensive sourcing platform for the sign industry. Eleven years of global promotion and brand building has made it one of the highest-profile and influential sign events in the world. SIGN CHINA will continue its mission of creating the most complete and high-quality showcase of the sign industry production supply chain for exhibitors and visitors. 


手机:+86-17652488955 电话:24小时服务,免费展台设计
